Low Energy Lighting (With Style)

Lighting accounts for around 10-20% of our fuel bills, and we can make a big impact on the cost of our bills by swapping out standard incandescent bulbs for energy saving alternatives.

The energy saving ‘scale of lightbulbs’ goes something like this; from regular bulbs (bad), to halogens (good), to compact fluorescents (better), to LEDs (best). Lets look at the best, because, let’s face it, who doesn’t want the best, especially when you can gain green brownie points at the same time. LED’s are the ones you want because halogens get hot and compact fluorescents, barring a few notable (and expensive) exceptions are pretty ugly. LED bulbs evolved from industrial uses in vehicle lighting to become the saviour of stylish Green Living.

I mean, look at this Calex Pearl Antique LED bulbs – it uses all of 2 Watts, gives out as much light as a regular 25 Watt bulb, and best of all, it’s pretty! Lets celebrate the fact that we can be Green and stylish, by splashing out on some beautiful energy saving bulbs.